My Father is many things; a pastor, a missionary, a parent, a counselor, a husband… and though his roles are diverse, the unifying theme that is dominant through all of them is his ability communicate effectively with those around him. He has attempted to pass on these skills to me and my brothers, and one of the core lessons he taught me is the importance of always casting a vision. Our family does international student work at the University of Toledo, and everywhere he goes I’ve watched him practicing this concept constantly.

Each person my Dad interacts with is guaranteed to get some variant of a 10-second or 30-second commercial, and one that’s woven naturally into the conversation. He focuses on why we work with international students, and the pains that they go through when they come to study in America, rather than the rote facts of what we do. Though he’s rarely attempting to actually sell them anything, his passion for his work naturally encourages him to share his vision with everyone, and I’ve been amazed at the opportunities that arise from this practice. Supporters and important connections have arisen from conversations with restaurant managers, random people on the street, and people waiting behind us in line at a Burger King.

If you believe in your company, or in the product or service that you’re selling, don’t be afraid to tell everyone about it. A brief story that states why you’re passionate will be much more compelling than a pitch that asks them to buy.

2 thoughts on “Lessons From My Dad – Casting a Vision”
  1. I completely agree, showing that your passionate with a coll genuine story is much better than spitting out a sales pitch like a robot, great article!

  2. It’s all about empathy. I feel your dad is great at being a perspective taker and people are just able to naturally talk to him. I am excited to try and use my 10 and 30 second commercials in context becasue they are so useful in differentiating yourself from every other graduate out there. I think that is something that we can all take away from this post, be able to communicate clearly and most importantly NATURALLY!

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