A common pitfall of salesmen is the habit of talking over listening. If you are talking more than your client is, you have already lost the sale. If this is sounding familiar to you- and it should, it is because this is Sandler’s Rule #14 “A Prospect Who is Listening is No Prospect At All”.

Enjoy a short clip from a movie called Secondhand Lions demonstrating this point


As you can see, they all came to the house with the intention of making a sale right then and there. Had they done a better job prospecting they might have made it out of there without getting shot. Then again, they do seem pretty trigger happy.

Allowing the client to talk helps them discover for themselves what their pain is. By digging down deeper, it makes the sale easier later on when you offer them a solution to their pain. Now, anyone who has seen the movie knows that one of those salesmen learned from their first encounter. Let’s take a look

Ironically, the salesman who had been shot at before realized that the men love their guns, so he boldly returned with something that they might actually be interested in. Also, he does a little bonding by talking highly of them and then showing them that he too is a good shot. It might have helped that the older gentlemen’s relatives were annoying, but luckily for the salesman- the people he was talking with were the main decision makers!

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