Evan Lowe came to speak to the class last friday, and was very animate about the utilities that have today for networking, such as LinkedIn. He told us many times about how networking is everything, because if you know somebody it gives you an awesome opportunity to meet someone else as a potential client. Or even supplier for something you need.

Mr. Lowe also showed a lot of zeal for business, and a lot of passion for getting the next big thing going. I remember it hitting me when he called up a friend and told him that if he needed a business developer, that he was bored; even though he already had his own real estate business. I hope to one day have that same zeal, although maybe more of a focus in one area, but still the zeal and passion for doing business well and with excellence and doing it for the Lord.

One thought on “Lowe-cate relationships”
  1. Having Mr. Lowe come in was awesome! He did a great presentation and I can tell that you paid attention during his talk. LinkedIn is such a powerful tool if used correctly- influencing people is made easier through connections!

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