Medical Sales has grown to be a very big industry throughout the last couple of years. This growth comes from the technology advancements in medicine throughout these last couple of years. This is a very important job because some of these medications that are being produced can seriously help out people with medical needs. Medical salesmen are the middlemen who work for a company that creates medicine and tries to find hospitals and other medical field facilities to sell to.

With the constant flow of new innovative products, there is a constant need for a salesman. One of the most important things in becoming a medical salesman is to understand the product very well because you will be talking to professional health officials who will ask many difficult questions regarding all aspects of the product. Once you have mastered the product and know the ins and outs you will be suited for a sales conversation with a health official. Selling to hospitals and doctors is very high pressure and comes with many expectations due to how expensive medical products are. because of these high prices selling can be very difficult to sell. There are many sellers in this field so the hospitals are used to listening to hundreds of pitches from sales reps, so when you sell to them you need to make it a conversation not a pitch so you can stand out so you can show off your product.

I have been very interested in medical sales since my dad interacts with them all of the time at work. When it comes to medicine I feel that there’s no better way to care for someone else than when they are sick. In this job, I will be able to sell medicine that can save maybe even the life of a loved one and that thought is what drives me to eventually find my way into this field.

Always on Call: The Daily Challenges of a Medical Sales Rep - Optymyze Blog


By StullBW

5 thoughts on “Medical Sales”
  1. It was amazing how many duties you listed that weren’t simply selling the product. Medical sales staff are expected to not only sell you the product, but insure you know how to use it and maintain a healthy sales relationship not only with doctors but with patients as well. I didn’t realize that medical sales staff were required to do so much, but I can see this style of selling expanding to more than just the medical field. It certainly seems like customer support and sales are more joined than ever.

  2. Great thoughts on the industry. This was super informative and easy-to-read for anyone unfamiliar with the industry. I appreciated your thoughts and research that were referenced! Great post.

  3. Great reading your thoughts and details on the medical sales industry. I am also interested in the industry and the growth and possibilities that it offers. It is very multifaceted in that you need to build lots of relationships with various different people. Such a cool field!

  4. This was a very enjoyable read, Brendan! In this day and age selling in the medical field is in high demand and expanding healthcare is very important.

  5. I love this post! “The medical sales industry stands as a beacon of opportunity in the expansive realm of healthcare.” this quote really sheds some hope and opportunity onto such an important industry, love that.

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