Have you ever thought about what a big name clothing store’s mission statement was? I know I have never thought about it because really, what could it say? “To sell clothes that people like.”? Apparently that is not the case, and well known, big clothing stores/brands have some very unique mission statements that you would never ever think about.
Here are some examples:

  1. American Eagle – “American Eagle Outfitters is committed to the principle that the people who make our clothes should be treated with dignity and respect. To this end, we seek to work with apparel suppliers throughout the world who share our commitment to safe and healthy workplaces.” 
  2. Gap –  “To create emotional connections with customers around the world through inspiring product design, unique store experiences, and competitive marketing.”
  3. Victoria Secret – “Committed to building a family of the world’s best fashion brands offering captivating customer experiences that drive long-term loyalty and deliver sustained growth for our shareholders.”

Who knew that selling apparel could help companies “build a family” or “create emotional connections?” I guess the companies who created their mission statements knew that selling clothes and apparel was more than just making money. Clothes are a way to express yourself and to be unique and that ultimately does create a “family” and/or an “emotional connection.” Each one makes the company unique and helps build the relationship they want with their customers that make it easier for them to buy the company’s apparel. Mission statements are a great way to sell products and bring customers together for the same common purpose.

Image result for gap mission statement

By ellifry

One thought on “Mission Statements for Clothing Stores??”
  1. Right, you would think it would be “make money based on what people want to wear.” Couldn’t help but think about what Alter’d State’s mission statement would look like. It’s my go-to spot for Christmas/birthdays for my sisters and mother. Their mission statement is: “Serving as an inspiration, empowering others, by giving more than we receive, we stand out for good to glorify God.” They’re all about standing out for good to glorify God. How great. They even have a prayer book for customers to write in so that employees can pray for them.

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