In todays post I will be reviewing “How to motivate salespeople” by David Jacoby. From my understanding Jacoby is a sales consultant that assists large B2B sales companies perfect their sales performance. This article was written to sales managers with the belief that understanding what motivates salespeople helps managers to motivate them and produce. Jacoby starts off the article explaining the acronym that will be the focal point of the article. This acronym is MOTIVE. It stands for Money, opportunity, teamwork, independence, visibility and excellence. After reading this statement I immediately was skeptical and my first thought was “yeah right like a corny acronym will solve a hundred year old question.” However when I dug deeper I discovered more about it. I realized from further reading that the acronym meant that a salesperson is motivated by one of the letters not all of them. This I thought was an excellent point as many people enter the sales industry for different reasons. I was glad however that they included money as a motivator as a lot of the sales positions that I interviewed were specifically looking for someone who was motivated by money. It was a unique perspective because it is a rarity for someone to admit that they are motivated by that. The last part of the article that I found was interesting was that the author talked about self-fufilling prophecies. He explained that if a manager truly believes in their employees those employees will be able to subconsciously pick up on the belief and preform better.

If you would like to read the article reviewed above click this link.

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