
So, I thought it might be a good idea to reflect on the sales conversation that I had with Prof Sweet.

I was pretending to be a representative of the Reynolds and Reynolds company, who has all types of software packages for owners of car dealerships. I am excited to say that my internship with them is still on for this summer (knock on wood).

At the beginning of the conversation, it was clear that Sweet was assuming an entirely different personality. All of the sudden, he had a Pittsburgh accent and was talking about all the car commercials he has been in. I began to ask him about what a normal day looks like for someone who owns a dealership and he revealed that he has trouble organizing and keeping up with the logistics. I began to ask him what types of things he would need help with i.e. accounting, HR, supply chain, etc. I asked about his accounting since that is RR’s original product, however, he believes that quick books has been efficient and he is satisfied with that level of detail.

Then the trouble hit. He began to pelt me with questions about the pricing for accounting help, despite not actually needing it. I attempted to make this fact clear to him, but he persisted even more. I caved. I gave him the price and he was not happy.

Rather than giving in to the price question, I should have redirected the conversation to focus more on his problem, which sounded like employing good workers and staying organized.

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