What is something that almost always grabs the attention of any listener? I am not sure what you were thinking of but the first thing that pops into my mind is a narrative. Whenever I am interested in a product and the individual selling it tells me a first-hand account of its durability, dependability, or usefulness, I am much more likely to consider purchasing the item. My father has been selling within the digital forensics industry for a couple of decades. He has mentioned to me on multiple occasions that the best client meetings he has are when he can relate to them through stories; conveying important truths in a way that is easily understandable and engaging. He will tell the client a story of how a previous customer trusted their services and was absolutely blown away with its effectiveness. A well-known, Dallas attorney was desperate for a solution for a problem he was experiencing.

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He needed a service that would make the process of finding data no longer like searching for a needle in a haystack. He sat down with my dad to discuss the problem at hand, and my dad began to describe a past situation that was extremely similar to the clients. He told this client about how the service he provides increased that attorneys effectiveness and efficiency exponentially. This particular narrative changed everything for the client and the sale closed shortly after that. The sales technique of narrative is extremely useful but can be abused as well. If someone uses this dishonesty, it will hurt the salesperson more than the client. So the next time you are in a sales situation, start by telling a story! It will work wonders.

4 thoughts on “Narrative: A Salespersons Best Friend”
  1. This is a great commentary on using a narrative in a selling setting. Knowing that other people have had a good experience with an item makes me much more likely to buy it. Additionally, I think that a technique like this can be incorporated with a conversational selling position very well, and grow a relationship with a seller and customer much better.

  2. I agree with this because a good story is a way to connect with others. If they can relate to the experience and the story there will be a deeper connection and increased chance of a sale. Coach Dido does this very well and it’s an easy way to connect with all of us players.

  3. Stories are excellent ways to depict effectiveness and real-world use. A product can come to life and not just be information on paper when a narrative is told. It can help develop trust in the customers mind and be offered as strong evidence for a person’s need. I like how your dad described their service to do this and the great results he had.

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