A couple days a ago I gave an estimate to pressure wash a ladies home and you could tell that she was pretty particular about what she wanted. So after talking to her to find out what her motivations were to get her house washed. Then after getting to price I asked her how much she though a job like this would cost, she came back very sternly, “I have a price in my head but I want to see what your price is first”.  I said okay and I went and calculated the price and then presented it to her. She thought it was a little high so we Negotiated the price down $25. After thinking back on the situation I should have been more stern with the price, because the second she said that about the price I immediately lost control of the conversation which she could than manipulate the price to what she felt was best for her.

4 thoughts on “Negotiating a Price”
  1. Discussing budget and price is the hardest part of any sales conversation. It is very easy to lose control. My partner and I went to low when discussion price and the lady had to actually offer more then we did. I think it just takes practice and getting more comfortable when discussing money. Many people hate the topic of money.

  2. This is true! sometimes if its an issue of a such a small amount, it can be good to let the customer be right. On the other hand, being confident in what you thin is best can really help in selling yourself.

  3. Cost of work is probably the hardest thing to talk about. I personally think that it was okay that you lowered your rates slightly because that means that that customer has a higher chance of returning to you because you were nice to them.

  4. It’s so valuable to have these real life scenarios to put all that you’re learning in this class into context. Thanks for sharing these experience with us so we can so more how these principles apply!

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