There are many techniques and ways to market a product that you are selling. Many companies use Television advertisements that cost anywhere from $115,000 to $5 Million. This is a lot of money for a company to spend on advertisements. Businesses also use social media marketing to advertise their products and services. The average social media campaign costs $600 – $6,000. These advertisement methods can cost companies a fortune and sometimes do not even have a huge effect on sales.

With the transition from an industrial age to an information age, there are more effective ways to market products. Word of mouth has always been one of the most effective ways of marketing and that is what network marketing is. Network marketing companies bring on independent representatives that add to their network. As they add more representatives, the network grows larger. This way of marketing is extremely effective because it uses the people that actually love and use the product to advertise by word of mouth for the company. Who better to hear a product testimonial than from one of the products biggest customers. This allows for the most genuine type of product feedback and advertisement. The customer also will gain more trust with the representative because they actually use the product they are selling. As more people join the network the easier it is to spread the word about products and to bring on board more representatives.

Network marketing representatives can make good passive income from working hard in the industry. As a representative works hard to grow its network, he can make good passive income. As the representatives that he added to the network are successful in selling and bringing in more representatives to the network, the representative gets a percentage of the revenue his network brings in. It is not a huge cut, but the more representatives you bring in the more your cut will start to add up. Network marketing rewards the hardest workers. The representative that brings in a new representative into his network receives the biggest pay cut. Network marketing is a unique side hustle that can be grown and seen as an asset that makes you money.

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