In sales, organization is key. This can look very different depending on the type of sales situation or the person in charge. It’s not vital that your method of organization looks exactly like the next person’s, but it is important that you have a method and that it works.


A Method to the Madness

Many firms have a process already set up that keeps salespeople on task and organized. But there are also some that do not. Especially in the startup world, where the founder is often the chief salesperson. Your level of productivity will come from your degree of efficiency, and efficiency is driven by good organization.

Have a specific plan for how and when you do follow up work. A set time every day. Following up is something that is tempting to push back a day or two when busy schedules hit. Don’t succumb to the temptation! Consistent follow up is what separates sales people. To follow up consistently, there must be a time of the day devoted to that alone.


Make a Plan – Daily!

Take time daily to gather your senses and make a game plan for the day. No matter how perfect the systems are that you have in place, there will always be days that don’t go as planned. Take a moment to catch a breath and prioritize the things that are most urgent for that day. Make a short to-do list or whatever it takes. Sometimes when “the bullets start to fly” and the schedule goes crazy, it’s easy to lose focus on the things that need to be prioritized. When you feel yourself in one of these moments, take the time to lay out a plan of attack for the remainder of the day.


There are many successful techniques and tools to use in a sales position to stay organized. Research and find what’s available. The important thing is to find something that works for you. Have a method for the way you do things. Follow up. Plan daily. Stay organized. And sell on!

2 thoughts on “Organization in Sales”
  1. I needed this reminder. I have heard lecture after lecture about the value of prioritizing at the beginning of each day and I tend to slack in this department. Thanks Andrew!

  2. Its crazy how many small businesses fall into the trap of not staying organized. I worked for one and this was way too true. My boss was doing it all and could not keep track of any of it.

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