Alrighty, well this’ll be short. My knowledge of this subject is comparable to Sergeant Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes: “I know nothing, nnnnnothing!” Although it was a silly example, there is some truth to sales principles being a part of finding that special someone.


Like with the job interview, you need to know yourself, which is your product. You need to know whom you are as a person in order to figure out what kind of person compliments you. If you like the country, you probably don’t want a yuppie city-type. If you’re more of the listening type, you may want a more outgoing person. In addition, knowing yourself will help you believe in your product, which helps boost confidence.


The same values for sales hold true for relationships, at least for the long-term relationships. Honesty, directness, transparency, authenticity, and education are highly valued by those seeking a long-term relationship. Education, in this case, meaning that you have a brain and know how to use it. No one wants a liar or someone that keeps secrets. I’m pretty sure, like I said, I don’t have a lot of experience in this field.


The first phase of getting the ball rolling with a relationship is the initial conversation. This requires cold calling. There are many different ideas of how to approach them and I have no idea what works. The hardest part is that, for relationships and job interviews, there is no distinct between the real you and the roll you since the “product” you’re selling is yourself. It does chip away at you after a while. However, failure is a natural part of the process; it’s just learning for the next time.


When prospecting, go for the appointment not the sale. Remember prospecting is not selling; rather it is a preliminary for the sales process. In other words, prospecting a potential relationship-type person is in order to get the first date. You’re not spilling all this information out of yourself or the other person; that’s what the first date is for, so I’ve been told. See if there is any kind of interest and then let the need for the date come naturally.


Well, that’s all I got. Feel free to add to this in the comments below.

2 thoughts on “Other Applications for Sales Principles – Part 5 – In Your Love Life”
  1. Every moment you are interacting with someone you are selling yourself. Whether it be on what you’re telling them, wanting to hang out, or simply wanting to engage in conversation. You present yourself to be sold everyday with how you carry yourself – from dressing, to topics of conversation, mannerisms, and every other thing you do. It’s no different with courting a prospective for your love life.

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