I think one of the most interesting, and yet not talked about part of sales is outsource sales. I was speaking to Dr. Sweet about it, and he thought it was a cool concept, but had never really heard about it. So, what is Outsourced Sales? According to SalesEvolve Solutions, an outsourced sales company describes it has, “…outsourcing a portion or entire sales activities to a trusted 3rd party sales team.” This means a second company or ‘middle-man’ company, helps the client company gain ground on their competitors. SalesEvolve also says, “Using a sales outsourcing partner allows companies to attract and maintain a sales force without having to make them full or part-time employees.” This way they do not have to use their money or resources to retain their clientele.
So why is this important to you? Honestly it probably is not. But this is a part of sales that a lot of including me, didn’t know this was a thing. As I looked more into this, I thought it was a super exciting concept and actually have a job offer from an outsourced sales company.

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