Great, you set some sales goals for yourself. Your next task is to actually find the motivation to overcome your sales goals, and beat any overwhelming feelings that may be lurking around the corner. I found seven life hacks that are meant to help anyone go above and beyond their sales goals, without feeling all the stress and pressure to do so.

overcome your sales goals1. Ditch your To-Do List

To-do lists may seem like they are helpful and aid in your life organization. However, they can cause you to procrastinate, especially if they are long. I know that sometimes when I have a crazy amount of work on my to-do list, I tend to feel like not doing any of it at all. To-do lists are also harmful because they have no set due dates, and unfinished items tend to carry over for days. It is better to choose a day that you want to accomplish something and commit to actually doing that task. I use a “Things to Accomplish Today” list, which I find more effective.

2. Start Slow

Do not start out by setting enormous sales goals for yourself. Rather, try setting small objectives that you can consistently achieve before going bigger.

3. Accountability

Sometimes you will stray from some of your objectives for one reason or another. A good way to keep yourself on track is to find an accountability partner that is willing to support your sales goals.

4. Get a Mentor

Do you know anyone that is excelling in their sales career? Do not be afraid to connect with that person and ask for help. Odds are they will be willing to extend a helping hand to you and provide you with some awesome sales wisdom.

5. Say Goodbye to Time Wasters

Take a look at your daily professional activities and identify the ones that are non-productive, such as scrolling through your Facebook feed. These things take up more time than you may think, cutting into the time that you have to be productive. The more productive time you have, the more time you have to accomplish your goals. Save Facebook for your days off.

6. Go Outside Your Comfort Zone

It can be tempting to only do things on the job that you are comfortable doing, such as calling product managers. A good practice is trying to do things that make you uncomfortable, such as calling up a big deal CEO. The more you do this, the more comfortable you will get doing higher level tasks, which should increase your sales results over time.

7. Continuous Learning

Nothing can make you more dangerous in your sales role than always being willing to learn more. Make it a point to read new sales books and articles. The more you know, the more value you can offer your prospects.

Will you try implementing any of these life hacks in your daily routines? Have you tried any of these before? I hope these tips will enable you to overcome your sales goals, as well as any other goals that you will set for yourself.

amanda vitale signature

2 thoughts on “Overcome Your Sales Goals – 7 Tips”
  1. Amanda, I loved this post. I think point number four is so vital especially as college students. Not to mention at an institution like Grove City College where we have a huge alumni base and a career services office that is always looking for opportunities to connect students with alumni that could serve as a mentor. As Christians this can also serve as a source of accountability and an outlet to advice as a believer in the sales force.

  2. Very helpful tips! I especially like the one about the to-do list. I am notorious for making a long list of tasks o have to accomplish, and end up procrastinating. I can deinitely see the value in modifyinh the list into a “what to do TODAY” list. I also like the point about finding a mentor. This can be true for so many aspects of life beyond sales. If you find somone whom you trust, and seek to model yourself after, “latch on to them,” so to speak, and absorb any knowledge you can from them.

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