Having a passion for the act of selling itself, as well as whatever it is that you’re selling can greatly impact the effectiveness of a salesman. It is evident at a base level that a salesperson who is dispassionate, bored, and tired of their profession or product will not see the same returns as a passionate, driven, excited salesperson.

Image result for stanley hudson

Don’t be a Stanley Hudson. One key to being able to be passionate is fulfillment. Selling a product which you truly believe is helping those who are purchasing it, you will have a much more fulfilling and redemptive career. Looking for spiritual redemption when deciding what it is we will be selling can be of great benefit to us. Waking up every morning to something you love will in turn make you more successful in that field. Don’t find yourself in a place of no return, stuck in a job you hate, selling a product you know isn’t in your customers best interest.

With passion, comes persistence. Your passion will carry over into helping you to overcome numerous sales barriers which you are bound to come across during selling. Truly caring for what you are selling causes you to rise above any possible challenges which may stand between you and the sale.

With passion, also comes improvement. Those with a passion for selling are willing to take the steps necessary in order to constantly improve, in turn, becoming more successful. Passionate salespeople take the time to find out what they are doing well, and what they are not. They then use this information to change their strategies accordingly.

Be sure that whatever you are selling is something which you are truly passionate about. Without passion in the picture, your ceiling for success is very low. Don’t let yourself become the sad, tired salesman pictured above, be passionate.

By ODayBJ1

3 thoughts on “Passion”
  1. I agree so much with this! It is especially prevalent in cold calling. Having passion for your career makes the annoying of mundane things all worth it!

  2. I agree, I think a passion and a wanting to excel is necessary when it comes to any profession. Especially in sales, when your job is about getting other people excited about what you have to offer. It is really important to have a great interest in doing your Job the best that you possibly can.

  3. I think this is a great thing for someone to keep in mind! Especially if you are a senior looking for a career to settle into. When comparing 2 jobs I think the thing you should care about the most is your happiness within that job. If you enjoy your job you will work harder, and you will reap the benefits of what you’ve sown.

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