Perception is defined as the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses. Whenever we meet anybody, we are initially trying to figure out how we feel about them through perception. When encountering a salesperson, we typically feel like they are pushy and aggressive; authenticity and sincerity are normally two words that aren’t immediately associated with salespeople. However, if a customer perceives that these two admirable traits are within a salesperson, they are much more likely to feel comfortable around them, thus letting their guard down. This level of comfort only improves the interaction between seller and client and is great for both business and relationships in general. That is why its extremely important to be genuine in all areas of a person’s life, especially when they encounter customers.

Acting genuinely around somebody in a business meeting is harder than it sounds however. The best way to achieve this task is to simply emphasize the fact that you are there to find out more about the potential client, and build a true relationship with them. If you come into a meeting with the primary goal of selling, not finding out how to fix the consumer’s problem, then they will view you as a pushy salesmen. Authenticity is natural, so communicating just as if you were talking to a friend is key.

2 thoughts on “Perception”
  1. I love that you said authenticity is natural. It is so easy to be authentic in a sales setting, yet so many people feel so much pressure to just be perfect

  2. I think practice is important when it comes to being authentic in a sales setting. A person new to sales might have the inclination to not act like their normal self at first because they’ve seen the way other people act in a sales setting. Learning how to relax and be comfortable in a professional setting will allow a person to settle in and show their true personality.

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