Recently in class we’ve been learning the different personalities of a salesperson and the advantages and disadvantages of each.  Aside from whether or not someone is an introvert, an extrovert, or an ambivert, the personality traits that each portray are just as important.  Specifically, 3 traits in particular play a huge role in the amount paychecks for salespeople.

  1. Conscientiousness
    • Salespeople who are conscientious tend to be more organized, hardworking, and achievement-striving.
  2. Neuroticism
    • Neurotic people tend to be anxious, negative, and get stressed out more easily.
  3. Intelligence
    • Intelligent people who know their product well, tend to be more prepared and helpful when trying to answer questions potential customers may have.

Salespeople who possess these traits tend to have big impacts on their paychecks.  Firstly, those who are conscientiousness are more diligent in their work ethic compared to other salespeople and have more success.  Thus leading to increased paychecks.  Secondly, those who are neurotic tend to be more negative and anxious leading to less success.  Thus leading to decreased paychecks.  Lastly, those who are intelligent tend to know their product or service inside and out which leads to better information for the customer.  Thus resulting in increased paychecks.  Clearly these are only a few personality traits that one can possess, but the impacts of each are crucial not only for the status of a company, but also for reputation of the salesperson.


3 thoughts on “Personality Traits of Salespeople Worth Noticing”
  1. Before learning about this stuff in class I subscribed to the commonly held idea that extroverts were naturally better at sales. I myself lean closer to introversion and am glad I know better now so that I can’t use that as an excuse when I have to sell things.

  2. Do you think that the anxiousness of neuroticism can lead to a drive to become more intelligent about the product? Is there a small amount of neuroticism that can lead to a higher work ethic or is it wrong in any quantity?

  3. I agree with Nick on this. I do believe that anxiousness can be beneficial to an extent. It will provide a sense of urgency and can help you prepare for worst case scenarios. I think all of these are beneficial to an extent but there must be a balance. Too much of any of these traits can be harmful and overwhelming.

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