A few weeks ago we talked about Positive Thinking. Positive thinking had many different strategies and benefits, but also side effects. Although this form of thinking can potentially help someone through confidence and decision making, I believe that it can also become a way of dealing with problems that is not sufficient. People can get sucked into thinking that if they think positively enough about something happening, that it will happen. Which is not the case what so ever and is not biblical at all. Now, should we think positively? Absolutely! However, it is not appropriate for us to put faith in positive thinking but we should put our faith in prayer, which is putting our trust in God’s hands and not our own.

2 thoughts on “Positive Thinking”
  1. I completely agree. I try to continuously be a positive person. I believe that it is a good characteristic to have. But being positive and realistic is important.

  2. Positive thinking can be a powerful force. I think it is important to stay grounded as an individual and not get too pessimistic about anything. As Christians, we have everything to look forward to anyway!

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