Sales is a more people-oriented, interactive topic than a typical academic setting would allow for. It feels weird to read articles, books, and studies on how to have a conversation. The last thing I want to be is a salesman who it sounds like all of his conversational skills came out of a book! At the same time, it has been super interesting to learn about how to communicate with people so effectively. Over the course of the semester, I’ve started to think about the idea of getting a counseling degree in seminary one day. In learning these conversational techniques, I’ve learned how I could ask questions that drives transparent communication and digs at the heart of people. I can absolutely see these consultative sales styles being useful in counseling! What a concept! I get excited by building trust with people, and often the way we do that is by being vulnerable. Sharing pain with someone takes a remarkable amount of vulnerability, and the salesperson must be a good steward of that information. Sure, you’re probably not going to share your life story with a salesman. But in sharing your heart, you open yourself up to manipulation and more hurt. The biggest reflection I have on this semester is that sales is all about being a person to other people. We should all want to be more effective communicators. We should all want to empathize with others. We should all want to offer solutions to solve the problems of others. Let’s go forward, especially in this pandemic-stricken environment, and see how we can make sales a vehicle for beautiful change in the world.

3 thoughts on “Sales: Wrapping Up The Semester”
  1. Communication, understanding people, having empathy and trying to help those you talk to is a part of life, and especially our lives as Christians, and so it is incredibly important to know how to do that and practice doing that.

  2. I think this class has really helped me with what your saying. I have a good view on communication and my communication skills ( i would hope it is my major), but i think this class helped me realize i can use these in my new sales career.

  3. I feel like I now have about half of what I need to be a good salesman. Now, unfortunately, comes the long road of experience. Still, it’s good to lock down the principles before being thrust into the wide world.

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