We can all agree that forming a relationship with a client is a key factor in successful sales. In this clip we can see the challenges that could arise from having a poor relationship with the customer (Dwight was doomed before he even started). Sometimes a sales pitch can fail before it even starts, especially if the client has a negative view of us or our company. This is why knowing the person, like Coach DiDonado discussed, is so important. By understanding our customer before initiating a pitch, we stand a much better chance of forming a relationship and filling their need. It is impossible to help if we don’t take the time to discover their pain, so we must ask the right questions in order to find out what they need. If we have formed a bond, we will be able to agitate instead of irritate and our attempts at selling will certainly be much more effective.

3 thoughts on “Relationship-based Sales”
  1. I think that in sales it’s important for us to find information that is certain. A client’s disinterest is certain, but so is the information we pick up from prospects willing to hear us out. We should only move forward on information we’re sure of, or seek more information if we don’t yet have enough to move on.

  2. Agreed, before even getting into your sales pitch its extremely important to build trust and some type of relationship. Taking the time to understand their needs and pain will be extremely beneficial when tailoring your selling points to them. It could possibly even come to a point where you realize after learning about them a little, this isn’t the best option for them or isn’t the best option for you. Doing these little things can save a lot of headache down the road.

  3. Great post! This was a really good example of the necessity of building a sales relationship. It also exemplifies the need for people in sales to be patient. I have had more than one job that involved cold calling and have experienced the patience it requires first hand, and this video does a great job showing that.

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