The sales conversations that we had to do in class the past few weeks have been so interesting to watch! I think everyone did a great job, so take a deep breath… I’m not critiquing you. Today I would like to focus on what I did wrong.

I wanted Professor Sweet to be a jewelry store owner so that I could sell him a new CAD program for designing jewelry. The value to him, his store and his customers was immense so it should not have been hard to sell. However, it was up to me to show him all the good things about the product and that it was worth the amount of money I said.

He asked me what the cost was. This is where I went wrong. Instead of turning his question back into a question, I started “selling”. It is hard not to sell when given the chance. I should have asked if he had looked into other prices, other competitors or even use the technique of sticker shock.

Either of these techniques would have been much better than what I used. I learned a lot from this experience to take me into the professional world.

One thought on “Sales Conversation Critique”
  1. Meredith, your ease in identifying and growing from your own mistakes is admirable. Should you ever want to practice this on an actual jewelry store owner, just give my pops a call! He loves meeting my friends.

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