Last week, Professor Sweet talked about a few frames through which salespeople can approach selling. Like many topics we’ve talked about in this class, I think these frames apply to everyday life in addition to the sales process.

The LESS frame

This frame basically states that less is more. In sales, this means “framing people’s opinions in a way that restricts their choices,” which helps them see their choices more clearly (according to Pink). This framework is exemplified by people who lead more minimalist lifestyles. These people hold to the belief that they are able to appreciate what they have more when they have less. I’ve actually been inspired by minimalists lately and have been working to de-clutter all my things!


The experience frame means that creating positive experiences around sales can help build relationships and be more satisfying to some people. Similarly, some people love to live life from experience to experience, always telling stories and connecting with certain experiences in their lives. My mom might fall under this category. She loves to go on adventures with the people she loves because the experiences help bond them and make for great stories.


According to our notes, “people are drawn in by potential,” and I would agree with this statement. This doesn’t apply equally to everyone – some people approach certain people or situations by the potential they see in that person or situation, not necessarily what’s already at face value. People who live this way are big thinkers, because they’re choosing to see situations as more than what they currently are, but as what they could be.

I won’t go through all of them, but I think it’s an interesting concept to consider. Obviously people can exhibit all of these frameworks in their lives, but some are more prevalent than others. In addition to being a useful tool in sales, this could help us understand people better as well.

2 thoughts on “Sales Frames – they apply to life, too!”
  1. The POTENTIAL Frame intrigues me. Its like we are drawn into the idea of a “might be” or a “possible” and that is so exciting and worth it to us to part with our resources or be moved in a certain way. Its like positive expectations for the unknown. I love it!

  2. All of these frameworks can be very powerful when used correctly. The one that attracts me the most is potential because I like to imagine what the world could be like and not where it is currently. I think the power of each frame may vary for one person based on the mood they’re in that day too.

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