Sales in Startups

Lately we have been talking a lot about startup sales with Evan Addams. Startup sales is a much different breed of sales teams and can be a lot harder than traditional teams. So what does the common startup sales team do? Well, they work to generate leads, reach out to potential prospects, qualify leads, and close deals. Regardless of industry, it’s important to remember that, depending on the size and mission of the company, a sales associate could be responsible for just one of these functions, a couple of them, or all of them.

Generate Leads – Before you can make a sale, you must find qualified members that would be interested in buying what you’re selling. Sales teams work to create lists of different people and companies that benefit from what is being sold.

Reach out to Prospects – Sales teams reach out to leads and potential prospects by email, phone, or any other way. They like to use creative ways to grab the attention of the prospect and hope to enter their minds and leave a lasting impact.

Qualify Leads – Also known as “Lead Qualification”, sales teams qualify leads to figure out if those leads could eventually turn into sales. It is imperative to the sales team to make sure they are pursuing leads that will actually use the product or service they are selling. Sales teams will also attempt to close sales on those prospects who are qualified, but those who are not qualified are forgotten. This is achieved by asking key questions relevant to the product or service.

Close Deals – One of the most important steps in the sales process, closing deals, is getting the prospect to purchase from you. Different companies have different strategies to close sales but the goal is to close the sale nonetheless.

Many sales teams follow through these steps in any sales process that might be facing them. They have to identify leads, be in contact with them, qualify them and close the sale. That is how you make the startup sales process successful.

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2 thoughts on “Sales in a Startup”
  1. These steps are very important in the sales process. Although a lot of people do not like to close, it is an important that you close the deal in some way. Great post!

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