If it were up to me I would make sure that some form of a sales class was a HUMA requirement at Grove City College. As silly as it sounds there are some interesting justifications for this proposition. The title of this blog is pretty self explanatory, “Sales is Everywhere”. What this means is sales is not a practice or even a trade, sales is a fundamental way of life. If it were up to me all the complicated selling practices and secrets would be abandoned and the only trade secret would be pursuing a servants heart. At its core, sales deals with influencing people in welfare promoting directions. The customer demands a product or service and its your job to find the product or service that fits that demand. The hardest part is realizing that your product is not really the fit. Anyways, the idea of sales is a universal way of life. Selling and being a Christian are not very far away from being abundantly compatible. Pursing a life that models Jesus equips you with really everything you need to know to be a successful salesperson. The following discussion will discover some of the most powerful Christ-like attributes that are imperative to selling.

Jesus embodied and expelled a great amount of patience. Patience is very difficult in selling as customers tend to analyze the purchase they are about to make. One mistake salespeople often make is rushing the sales process. Patience and a patient attitude is key in creating a comfortable selling experience. Securing a sales is not often a simultaneous exchange. It will take time and effort. Just as Jesus was patient with God and his followers we are called to be patient with each other.

Another Christlike characteristic is selflessness. Selflessness bleeds into a general pursuit of service. Selling is not simply an exchange of goods for money but an opportunity to serve brothers and sisters in Christ.  Part of securing a deal means sacrifice, sacrifice of time and effort. In order to secure a deal sometimes building trust becomes easier when time is sacrificed to provide better service or learn your product better. At its core selling is not exempt of emotions and service, and Jesus provides a practical application of how we are called to selflessly provide service to people.

To conclude selling is almost everywhere in our lives we just don’t recognize it. Instead of looking to man to teach us how to sell we should point our attention to scripture where all the techniques you will need are listed in the description of Jesus’ life.


3 thoughts on “Sales is Everywhere.”
  1. I definitely agree with you, some form of a sales course should be requirement. Using this class as an example we have talked about many skills that can be abled in normal social interactions or even relationships.

  2. Agreed. Sales should definitely be a required class. Every single person on earth will sell at some point in their lives and likely many points throughout their lives. Learning about Western Civ is great and all but sales has a very real-world application whether you are a history, education, engineering, or entrepreneurship major.

  3. I think sales would be an interesting HUMA but I like the idea. Evangelism and sales has a lot of similarities especially if you want to evangelize like Jesus. The first part of Jesus’s minster was making disciples this can be mirrored with relationship with sales. Only then Jesus was allowed to evangelize to them and to sway them in belief.

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