Apple has changed the face and workings of retail stores. Has this increased sales in their retail stores, with the ability to interact with a sales individual, who can give you information from their tablet to next thing you know from that same tablet they can finalize your purchase and you are out the door. This adaption of tablets and on the spot purchases has been picked up by many retail stores.  Not only does it apply to on the spot selling, this adaption of new technology could potentially increase customer satisfaction, from its sleek style and differentiation from traditional retail experiences.

The ability to go directly from a product to a sale all from the same tablet, moves customers quicker through the sales funnel. They do not have time to second guess their decision or walk around with the item in hand. Rather they go from product to purchase without moving their feet. This increase in the sales process is also appealing to individuals who are not one for waiting around, or in-store shopping.  It creates an easy in and out experience, that brings in modern technology, and allows shoppers and salespeople to move quickly in and out of a sale.

Apple has not only been the standard for technology, but also marketing their products. Their ability to create a new retail idea, that is a personal sales individual interacting with a customer, answering questions, helping resolve issues, showing off products, and being able to complete the sale from the same spot that all of the previous things have occurred.  All in all the use of tablets and handheld selling systems can increase sales and volume of sales due to the ease of steps, lack of materials needed, and speed of transactions. This day and age incorporating technology and making selling and retail experiences more enjoyable and quicker is what the consumer wants!!


One thought on “Sales on the Spot”
  1. I never really thought about how much apple has influenced the sales world. Excellent post and really made me think about where would we be if we never had them.

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