Recently Joe Exotic has taken the world by storm with a new documentary on Netflix. Though Joe Exotic had major character flaws and probably mistreated animals, no one can deny his natural sales ability. Exotic took a small, almost nameless town in Oklahoma and turned it into an almost household name. Exotic opened the G.W. Zoo in 1999, mainly for exotic and endangered large cats. These large cats include panthers, pumas, ligers, lions, and of course tigers. Exotic was charismatic, and kept people engaged with his personality. He saw an opportunity to make money and ran with it. In this part of the United states there isn’t any actual zoos. This meant the products and services Joe was offering almost corned the market in the mid- to southern States. With the market corned, fans, and the application of advertising, Exotic had a very successful business for years. Eventually this reign came crashing down when his personal life, and personal vendettas crumbled his zoo, and forced him to make shady decisions, and end up in jail. Though shady, impulsive, and quick to excite, no one can deny Exotic’s ability to market and sell his products, business, and himself.

2 thoughts on “Sales or Jail?”
  1. Sales leaves a broad window for people to follow meaning there is a lot of grey area to work with. Mr. Exocitc did see an opportunity and grab fast to it. Know there were plenty of options so he did end up in jail but again, even going to jail brings in sales. It depend on the type of person you are.

  2. Joe Exotic is a great example of someone who is a born salesperson. Especially in light of the Netflix documentary he has sold himself and his zoo to many people, in good and bad ways.

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