If so many good techniques for selling exist, why do people still use outdated selling techniques that end up pushing their customer away? I think this partially comes with selfish motivation for making the sales. This means that the seller is more focused on making the sale, rather than finding out the needs of the customer and seeing if what you have to offer is even a good fit for them.

One technique is to ask your prospective customer questions. These questions should be open ended to let the person your talking with open up and show you a little insight into who they are and what is important to them. This can help you empathize and identify problems they might have to begin to solve, but you might even find that what you have to offer isn’t a good fit for them.

Another technique is to mimic who you’re talking to, but not in an offensive way where you are parroting their every word or move. If you can do this in a respectful way that just makes the person you are speaking with more comfortable and you more approachable. Mimicking is a natural human tendency, it is how we connect in a meaningful way to one another, so it makes sense that this is an effective way for selling.

An important tendency to steer clear of is being pushy. People already associate salespeople to being pushy, so you are working against this stigma to begin with. An effective way to reach people is to also increase your power by reducing it. The more power you allow yourself to have, the less likely you are to be able to attune yourself to someone else’s perspective, which is one of your biggest advantages when selling. Doing this is giving up your connection to your potential customer and will most likely come off as pushy.

Doing these simple things will make you a significantly better salesperson in almost any situation. People generally want to connect to you leaving you an an advantage if you know how to genuinely connect to them. Keeping the customer as your top priority will help with every aspect of selling you will encounter.

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