Sandler Rule #24: Product knowledge used at the  wrong time can be Intimidating

  • Does your prospect know what you are talking about?
  • Are you intimidating prospect needlessly?
  • Monitor Facial and body cues

Don’t sabotage the sale with your expertise. This can be hard because we start to think that the more we know about a product or service the more impressive it is. We want to get all of the information out there as fast as possible. It is difficult because the sales person wants to share the knowledge and tell you how it would benefit you but it can be an overload of information. “An uncomfortable prospect is unlikely to make emotional investments in your sales process” Making your prospect uncomfortable is a terrible, and can jeopardize the entire interaction.

Prospects you don’t understand what you are saying have two options

  • They can be up-front and tell you
    • Ask for an explanation
    • Rarely happens
  • Remove the source of discomfort- you

To help with this you can keep an eye out for face and body language. If it seems like you lost them back up. Take time and thoroughly explain yourself in short concise phrases. Also keep in mind that you want to be doing the listening, so if you find yourself talking to much, re-think your strategy.

2 thoughts on “SANDLER- Rule #24”
  1. Good post Katie. I would even say that if they seem overwhelmed, maybe don’t just back up but also take a time out and get to know them more and slow down.

  2. I’ve definitely been in the boat of having a lot of expertise poured out on me, which have definitely caused me to back away. This rule is definitely an important one!

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