Portlandia is a satirical comedy show that looks at hipsters and everything they do. One aspect of hipster culture that Portlandia has analyzed is the serial entrepreneur. In the following clip, Bryce Shivers and Lisa Eversman start a pickling business. This is not their only business that they start throughout the course of the show, but it is their first. Take a look:

While the clip is silly, their sales techniques are not the worst. They continually find pain wherever they go. From the man with the excess cucumbers to the CD case company, Bryce Shivers and Lisa Eversman can find a solution. Their solution might not be the best for that particular pain, but they still listen to their customers and try to relieve as much pain as possible. This is something that all entrepreneurs should try to do, but in a more sustainable way.

4 thoughts on “Searching for the Pain”
  1. Finding the pain is half of sales. Being observant is what will lead you to finding the right solution but there is no value in finding a pain unless you use the discovery to find a corresponding solution. THus this business really is a fluke.

  2. This post reminds me of a video I saw about a pickling startup in New York that was extremely successful. I guess the success is dependent on your approach more than your product.

  3. This is an interesting selling example. It really highlights the idea of solving a problem and how crucial that is to sales. Great job identifying this example within the scene.

  4. There are pains everywhere- large scale and small. Being aware of even the smaller issues in the lives of those around us can help us identify entrepreneurial opportunities, and can help us sell.

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