Selling skills translate to several different applications in life. The ability to listen to others that we learn in this class allows us to work in both consulting and interviewing situations. As someone about to move to DC to make connections in the world of nonprofits, I found sales applications in networking especially applicable, so I looked up an article that describes ways to sell yourself at a networking event. The list is from

1. Network in a Target Rich Environment & Stand Out from the Crowd.

Identify who you need to meet and get involved. Seek a leadership position.

2. Givers Gain – Help Others and You Will Be Helping Yourself

Don’t be selfish. Focus first on how you can help others and see what follows. In the same way, we stay focused on the customer, we can come alongside others at networking events to satisfy their needs first. You often see older graduates investing in young college kids.

3. Be Prepared – Elevator Pitch and Good Open-Ended Question

Understand why you do what you do. Be prepared to pitch.

4. Good Follow Up after Meeting Someone

Wendy Mascio spoke avidly about this point. Following up is the closing of networking. Seek specific feedback.

5. Don’t Sell at Networking Events

While this is an odd tip to have on a sales blog, we spoke in detail during class about how “selling” can be the last thing you want to do. At a networking event, nothing can seem more ingenuine.

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