Selling oneself can sometimes be confused about building rapport (which was something I’ve already talked about), however, they are not the same. They’re both incredibly important and one of the first few building blocks towards potentially getting a customer, but both have different sales tactics to them.

To sum up my previous blog post about building rapport, building rapport is a crucial step in the sales process that occurs before the actual sales process. Doing this allows you to engage with your customer and learn more about themselves, their pains, and problems

SELLING ONESELF is similar to building rapport, but their placement in the sales process is slightly different. Selling oneself can occur before you’ve even met your potential customer. unlike building your rapport. After this class, I’ve come to realize that that was a huge issue with my solo photography business. I relied solely on word of mouth and my friends who know of my capabilities, but I did nothing outside of that. To change that, I’ve become more active on Instagram, LinkedIn, and even purchased a domain to go along with my online portfolio that I am slowly planning to incorporate in my photography business (uploading the completed photos there instead of Google Drive, purchased a domain name instead of the provided one through Adobe, etc). These big steps I am taking are, hopefully, will be big things that can sell myself more effectively and get more customers.

By pewjj19

3 thoughts on “Selling Oneself”
  1. Hey Jeffery, I think that your points here on selling your self is very important. I liked really liked you distinguished selling oneself can sometimes be confused about building rapport, good stuff!

  2. Sometimes you just have to put yourself out there and sell yourself to people. Or take that leap of faith and sell your brand to other companies to partner with them. My business partner and I really had a hard time in the beginning of our business selling our brand. We were scared and shy. We would rely on other people and we started seeing a difference when we started selling our brand ourselves. People can never sell you as good as you can sell yourself. You know yourself the best!

  3. Selling yourself is especially important in markets like this where you will be interacting with the customer in such an extended context as taking their pictures. Great idea to focus more on that!

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