As students looking to graduate college, we are all most likely going to be on the hunt for a job. This means that we will all be going to interviews and putting together resumés and essentially, selling ourselves. Self-selling can be a difficult process for all types of people. Here are a few tips that may help you appear more attractive to potential employers.


Change your resumé and interview answers based on the job you are applying for.


If you want to be a teacher, talk about your babysitting experience, or time student teaching. Tell them your strengths and weaknesses that apply to the job at hand. There are so many different avenues to go down in the process of interviewing, so make sure you stay on topic and remain throughout the process a person they see fitting the role. You may be an amazing programmer, but if you are going to be teaching third grade, you might want to think about taking the programming thing off the resumé.


Be yourself


This one may be one of the most difficult for a lot of people. Keep in mind that the purpose of an interview is for an employer to get to know you and what you can do. If you oversell an aspect of yourself in order to get a job it could lead to an awkward conversation or situation with an employer down the road.


Do research


You should know as much as possible about the position you are applying for before you enter an interview. This will show the employer that you are well prepared and maybe more importantly, that you are excited about the potential job.

One thought on “Selling you”
  1. You are right that interviewing is more-or-less selling yourself. A lot of what we do in job interviews are applicable to sales pitches – being prepared, asking good questions, and authenticity. Thanks for sharing!

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