Growing in popularity lately is the use of Instagram as a platform to sell used or thrifted clothing. Thrift shopping and wearing more vintage styles has become very popular lately and many young people have taken advantage of this through attempting to sell their used clothes or their thrifted finds to their followers on Instagram. When doing this, it’s not enough for the person to simply create an account for their clothes and list pictures of them and the prices. A person’s success when selling on Instagram will often be determined by how well they sold themselves on their standard page. As with any social media platform, the person portrayed on the platform is the person selling the best, most interesting aspects of themselves in order to attract attention or followers. When it comes to selling on Instagram, the image the person already created through their standard account will influence the success of their sales account. If someone has depicted themselves as adventurous, fun, and trendy through their photos and captions, people will be interested in what that person has to sell and will view their lifestyle, and therefore their clothing, as desirable. In this case, the buyer is influenced to make a purchase because they believe it will move them one step closer to achieving the style and person that they want to embody.

2 thoughts on “Selling Yourself to Sell Your Clothes”
  1. This is so true! An interesting take on sales. I’ve seen a ton of those Instagram clothes pages pop up since quarantine started, and all of them are being promoted on the owners’ own pages. They have to have a trusted personal page, just like companies have to build trust before people will buy.

  2. I have noticed this too! Especially in quarantine!

    I think have good, natural content on social media is always a good way to build trust with prospective customers.

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