In class, we spent some time talking about the concept of serving your clients rather than ‘selling them.’ A service mindset is very unexpected in our culture, and even more unexpected in the context of sales.

Service, however, is a Biblical concept and as such, is something we ought to practice in our everyday lives. But if it is nothing more than a superficial service for the sole purpose of getting something in return (I scratch your back, you scratch mine) it is insincere and people see right through it.

When approaching a situation from the mindset of service, there are two things you can do to make sure that you are sincere and effective.

First, make it personal. Get to know the person you’re working with. Your sales interaction is more than just business. After all, business is personal.

Secondly, make it purposeful. When you approach a sales situation from a serving mindset, you aren’t just thinking about the money you and your company are going to make. Instead, you’re thinking about the client. If he or she buys your solution, will it make life better or easier somehow?

If you approach service in sales with these two principles, you will undoubtedly stand out from the crowd.

One thought on “Serving is Key”
  1. I love this. Serving is biblical, but I love that this is also a way to differentiate yourself. This is counter-cultural and really does set you apart. When we are willing to be humble, we are able to see results. Thanks for sharing!

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