By Leona Bently

Looking for a great movie for a Friday night, a Sunday afternoon, or an excuse to procrastinate on that paper that’s due tomorrow? I have the ~perfect~ movie for you. For all you Tom Cruise fans out there (you know who you are) this one’s for you: Jerry Maguire (1996). This box office hit (earning over $270 million), is quoted by salespeople around the globe with phrases like “Show me the money!” and “Help me, help you”. It’s even been memed with the classic phrase “you had me at hello.” Image result for you had me at hello meme

The movie focuses on a sports agent -Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise)- who desires to work with fewer clients so as to produce better quality. After his mission statement to do so is sent out, his boss fires him and many of his clients leave him. Desperate to hang on to the athletes that he represents, Jerry starts his own management firm with a coworker – Dorothy Boyd (Renee Zellweger) – joining him in his new venture. The future of their small firm rests on the shoulders of their only client, football player Rod Tidwell (Cuba Gooding Jr.). Jerry and Dorothy demonstrate how lots of elbow grease, passion, and a desire to serve their customers can pay off big in the end. If all that isn’t enough to make you want to skip all your homework, check out one of the best scenes in the movie:


By LeonaB

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