Overcoming rejection at any level is hard and getting rejected multiple times can almost make you quit even trying at all. This is the sales life though and dealing with rejection is going to be something every sales person must learn. A few rejections and losses don’t really mean anything unless you let it get to you. Now learning what lead to those rejections is key though to make the rejections happen less and less frequent. This helps you learn your own strengths and weaknesses. Think about it every time you lost you know exactly what you did wrong that lead to you losing that deal. But when you win a lot you forget to analyze what could have gone better or something you may have missed that almost lost you the deal. Also, a lot of rejections can be based o timing. Maybe that client just wasn’t quite ready or financially capable of taking on your services in that moment but they could look for you again later down the road.

Don’t be afraid to ask what went lead to them saying no too. How else are you going to learn from your mistakes if you don’t know what the mistakes you are continuing to make. Did you do a good job highlighting the benefits of your product or service? Did you do enough research on the client before going into the meeting with them? Maybe you forgot to address points that you usually do? These things are easily fixable and can turn a “No” into “Yes”.


2 thoughts on “So You Got Rejected”
  1. This is something that is extremely important, but is easier said than done. I personally know that rejection can be good, but it still feels so crappy.

  2. Rejection is certainly hard to deal with at first. But it takes skill to be able to take that rejection and use the experience to your advantage in your next sales experience.

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