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Small businesses are the lifeblood of the United States economy and are one of the biggest employers for the American people. A lot of small business are hurting in these troubling times; some are shutting down completely; others are laying off more than half their employees and a few are trying to take out loans.

One-way buoyancy is described is using the words optimistic and cheerful disposition. Buoyancy in sales was explained as how one is to handle let downs, setbacks and failing. Buoyancy is the key concept for salespeople to remember failing is okay and to keep persevering; or in other words, staying optimistic and cheerful. Small businesses need to do the same.

Yes, small businesses depend heavily on face to face selling. Most small businesses do not even have a website let alone even know how to use social media platforms. But Selling can still happen even in the comfort of one’s own home and there are small businesses that run solely on social media and the internet.

A lot of small businesses are seeing this time as hard and almost impossible to get through. BUT small businesses can do so much to grow their business and increase sales today… All from home too. People purchase a lot of things online from what comes across to them on social media. Small businesses can use this time as an opportunity to grow on social media, create engaging content and generate new customers that they otherwise would not get.

Technology  is in almost everything we do, and sales is almost always heavily dependent on the internet from reviews, to stunning short videos, and aesthetically pleasing pictures. Small business can stay in the game and be even stronger. What better way to improve your sales skills then to learn how to work on your feet and take a new opportunity as it comes? Social media has never been a business downfall, it actually helps to elevate, generate new sales, new customers, and growth.

Social media is still sales and running social media is almost the same as a salesperson I would argue. Small businesses need to have buoyancy and use this challenging time to stay optimistic and cheerful because there is a lot of good that can happen from all this craziness.

2 thoughts on “Social Media and Sales.”
  1. This is an interesting observation about small businesses during this time. I’ve seen many more companies engage with consumers using social media, and even churches, artists, and tons of other people. Normally a lot of people would say that too much social media is unhealthy, but right now it’s one of the only ways to actually stay connected with people. Great article!

  2. Great post and great point! It is nice to be able to focus on a positive during this time, and increasing social media presence is a great way for small businesses to take advantage of this time working at home. I’ve seen so many businesses that plain don’t have a social media presence or have a poor one, so I would love to see this time turn into an opportunity for small businesses to change that for the better.

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