The Influencer marketing industry is worth over fifteen billion dollars in 2022. This is a huge amount of money! In 2019 eighty nine percent of marketers said that Instagram was imperative to their marketing strategy. Lets talk about what being a social media influencer is; A social media influencer is somebody that has an established following on social media, and has power over the populations purchasing decisions because of their presence on the media. Social media influencers usually get paid a certain amount of money to promote brands or show select brands as sponsors for their content.

Mr. Beast, a full time Youtuber and known influencer is just one example of an extremely successful social media influencer. He uses the money from sponsorships, around 700,000 thousand dollars a month, to give away to people in competitions and other fun ways. Another example of a popular social media influencer is Danny Duncan. There are so many people on the internet who are marketing for brands just by being the people they are.

Being an influencer is an example of non sales selling occasionally. Sometimes, these popular people just really enjoy products and they tell that to their followers…. And boom! Your product or service is making more money than you could have imagined.


One thought on “Social media Influencers”
  1. I love looking at this from the perspective of sales. I think connecting your business to an influencer is a great way to get your name out, because so many people are willing to buy anything a celebrity tells them to. I also love that some of these influencers are using the money for good deeds. Thanks for sharing!

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