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While taking this class I can’t help but correlate these sales practices with that of the Socratic Method. The Socratic Method is an ancient form of dialogue used by the philosopher Socrates to discover truth. What Socrates would never try to give a speech or debate someone by yelling points at them, telling them why they should believe something. Instead Socrates would simply ask people questions as to what they believed was true. It was through these questions that he would construct an logical trail of agreed upon facts that would prove his argument.

Much like Socrates, the new salesmen has given up on telling people what they should believe about their product and instead they have started to ask their clients questions, which lead to the overwhelming truth that the product they are selling is able to fix the problem that they have encountered. In this way salespeople aren’t selling anything really; they are just opening the eyes of a client so that they see what is truly beneficial for them.   

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