“Sell me this pen,” asks Leonardo DiCaprio when he is speaking to his team about making money in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street. His business partner grabs the pen from him and asks DiCaprio to write his name down on the napkin in front of him. DiCaprio points out that he doesn’t have anything to write with putting emphasis on the fact that without the pen he can’t write his name on the napkin. This is the perfect example of supply and demand.

When it comes to selling not everyone realizes the situation they are in thus never recognizing the needs necessary to complete certain actions. People only begin to realize the needs necessary to complete in action when the situation arises. The result of this occurrence always ends up with the person wishing they would have thought of their needs before the time comes. This is where a sales person can help out. A sales person can help recognize the problems that may be faced in the future convincing the consumer that time is in the essence and supply is necessary for later consumption. For example: someone is walking down the street in New York City whilst thinking about their personal life never recognizing their hunger. A man walks in front of the man’s way with a hot dog and gets close enough so that the man can smell the hot dog. The man walking then begins to realize that he is hungry and decides to buy the hot dog satisfying his end.

Opportunities, like the one described above, arise everyday and it is up to sales people to take advantage of these opportunities by opening the minds of consumers to supply’s they may have never known they needed to satisfy their future demands. Supply and demand play important roles in selling any types of products, new or old, to consumers who have money to spend on speed dial.

Image result for sell me this pen
2 thoughts on “Supply & Demand”
  1. Great reference of Wolf of Wall Street. Talk about knowing how to sell, now they make not have been the most ethical salesmen by any means but they could sell ice to an Eskimo. When you think of a salesman the characters from Wolf of Wall Street are who I think of. The people who know exactly what to say to make you say yes.

  2. Definitely agree. That’s why Google has been so valuable to online business in today’s online world because of their search and advertising algorithms. Whenever you go on the internet and look for an item, you’ll probably notice ads for that or similar items popping up wherever you go. Google recognizes that you might have a need for some product, and works to try and put that product in front of you to make a sale; they recognize that you’re hungry, and work to satisfy that hunger by presenting you with food to buy.

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