Sweet Frog is a Christian frozen yogurt company.  Many of you have probably never heard of it, but it is a chain, and it’s very very good!  The word “Frog” in the name stands for Fully Rely On God, and they have Christian values that they strive to reach.  They are such a unique company because they are combining Christianity with frozen yogurt.  That may not have ever been done before, and if it has, it was a very minimal company.

Their standards and beliefs bring in a more wholesome group of customers and makes Christian people excited to go there, bring their families there, or promote it.  Just the fact that they stand for the right things make it that much easier to stand up for.

Their main source of marketing is their beliefs.  They draw in people with the same beliefs and build their target customers that way.  It is an awesome business, that has amazing frozen yogurt, toppings, and beliefs!  If you ever get the chance to visit one, I would totally recommend it.  You won’t be disappointed.

Image result for sweet frog images


By ellifry

One thought on “Sweet Frog”
  1. Woah! I had no idea that Sweet Frog is a Christian company nor did I know what frog stands for. That is really interesting and I will be certain to pay more attention to their advertising in the future.

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