Not too long ago and before advances in technology there was a sales model that was effective in its time. This model rested on the idea of “Caveat Emptor” or “Buyer beware”. In other words this was a model that believed that profitability came from cheating the customer or in one way or another tricking a consumer into an action that would be a loss to them. At this point there was no way for a customer to have a say in the buying process because it was the salesman’s Salesmanjob to have more information and to know more about the product or service being sold. This put the consumer at a huge disadvantage and easy to take advantage of.

Since then, with the aid of advances in technology, power has shifted into the customers hands, making the playing field fair. Within seconds anyone can have access to limitless amounts of information on a product or background and reviews on a company or service. The game of sales has now been transformed into one that makes it profitable to be honest and success means being liked.


3 thoughts on “Technology Changing the Salesman”
  1. I would totally agree with what’s being emphasized in this blog. It’s clear that in the past customers were more manipulated than present time. With the increase in technology, sales is constantly changing. Potential consumers are more inclined to research before purchasing. Thus resulting in less fraudulent activities on the side of the company. Therefore, in order to be successful, salespeople must be honest and upfront with customers in order to establish a relationship that builds trust.

  2. Great points. I wonder if the people who are now manipulated is more often the company than the customer. People are now being able to negotiate prices between stores and go to the lowest bidder.

  3. I would totally agree to this. Even before I buy a pair of headphones I will google reviews to show me which ones are the highest quality. The technological abilities that we have in the present era allow us to safeguard ourselves from being deceived.

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