If there has been anything these Grove City Sales Classes have taught me, it’s to not put up with traditional sellers because we’ve been spoiled with learning all about the new relational sellers. So my question now is since we’ve been so accustomed to knowing how we should sell, how are we to respond when we are being sold to by traditional salesmen? The traditional type stick out like sore thumbs now and when I know they’re trying to rip me off, how should I respond?

I had an experience at Verizon a couple months ago where the salesman was pushing all these unnecessary features on me as if he knew what I needed more than I did. In my head, I knew completely well what was going on and I just sat there, letting him say what he felt he needed to say in hopes of changing my mind. Depending on the situation, sometimes frustration is my natural response, annoyance is another, or pity is another.

So I guess the challenge for myself is approaching it more in love than me thinking I know more about sales than they do. I suppose thinking of the WWJD model of What Would Jesus DO in this scenario is the best mindset I could have and acting accordingly. This does not necessarily mean being a push-over or easy sell, but being fair, just, and honest to the salesman.

As I conclude this last post, I would like to thank Grove City for making me a more snobby buyer and shortening my patience when it comes to traditional sellers. Here’s to not becoming the type of salesman that the world does not need any more of: traditional, used car salesmen.

2 thoughts on “Thanks for Spoiling Us Grove City”
  1. I have a deep (I don’t want to say “hate” for Verizon…. but its pretty much that) anger with Verizon. I feel like they are our generations used car salesperson. Every time I go in there I usually get some backlash from the employee because I am so direct with what I need and what I don’t need. They are the ultimate features people where they keep trying to add on. I aspire to act nothing like them.

  2. I also relate in that the “traditional” salespeople stick out like sore thumbs to me. I’m mostly thankful for the knowledge I’ve gotten from this class, but it now has caused me to be more critical of the people selling to me.

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