
Precision is being able to explain quickly what you have to offer better than anybody else. Mr. Van Eerden referenced Einstein for this P. Einstein famously said that true genius is simplicity and having the ability to explain something complex to a child. This requires that you know your product inside and out and have a concise way of explaining it.

Understanding the Problem

The problem is the second big P. Understanding the prospect’s problem and being able to see possible solutions is crucial in closing the sale. A good way to find the problem is to ask motivational questions. These questions should be open ended and provoke and encourage discussion. After revealing the problem it allows for the solution to become clearer.


The third big P is persistence. This is not persistence in a way that is annoying or a nuisance to prospects, but more so persistent in the work you do. He quoted Einstein again for this P, saying “In the end all great ideas degenerate into work.” Ideas are nothing without hard work.


Predisposition is the way one carries themselves. This is important especially when going into a sale. There is no one right way to carry yourself when entering into a sales pitch or negotiation.


The fifth and final P is purpose. Purpose is very important because it will determine the outcome of your professional relationship with  your prospect. The purpose of a salesman should be to solve a problem and close a win/win sale.

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