Everyone has heard the phrase “whoever talks first loses” when negotiating. This is because whoever talks first gives up their position and the other party can move the negotiations closer to their side. Asking questions in response to a question is always a good thing when selling or negotiating because it gives you more information about the other person without giving away your motives. Having a deeper insight into who you are talking to is always beneficial because you won’t be able to sell to them without knowing what their pain is. Every person wants to feel like they matter, and a huge part of sales is developing that relationship. By asking questions, a salesperson opens up an opportunity for the potential customer to talk. When someone feels heard, they feel valued, which is crucial to successfully selling to a client. Asking questions is incredibly important and should always be used in any sales pitch.

2 thoughts on “The Art of Asking Questions”
  1. This is very true. Having the ability to ask good questions is underrated skill. Being able to ask questions leaves such a big impact on people and should be put to use more. Good post!

  2. I think that asking questions is way too often overlooked by most salespeople. If you don’t know the customer then you won’t get very far!

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