I happened to walk into my dorm (back before quarantine) and my roommate was watching TV. This happened to be what was playing and it instantly made me think of sales in the startup. There are a lot of problems with this sales pitch, especially how he dominates the conversation and doesn’t seem to respect his potential client. What I thought was interesting, though, was his use of reversals. He was not afraid to close the file, or at least make his client think he would. By acting as if he was going to leave, he made the man he was pitching to ask for more information. He made it seem like his pitch for the product didn’t need the company he was pitching to, they needed  it. His pitch stood out because of his unexpected outlook and responses. I don’t think his pitch was stellar, but his use of reversals made me look at the technique in a whole new light.

One thought on “The Art of Reversals”
  1. One other point that I think is interesting is his body language. The salesman asserts himself by standing and looking down on the prospect. He demonstrates his knowledge and uses a reverse to get to the heart of the prospect. Excellent example, Joel. Thanks for the post!

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