Throughout my education in Sales in the Startup throughout this semester, I have learned that many sales tactics used by modern sales people correlates to normal, everyday human interactions. One of these tactics is the ability to be “ambivertive”. This term is used to describe the ability to flip between being introvertive and being extrovertive depending on the interaction at hand. A perfect sales person should have this ability laid down to a science, as different prospect display different personalities. Some are introvertive and may want you do most of the talking. Others are extrovertive and are able to display their needs and want clearly and up-front. Depending on what kind of prospect you are working with, you may need to be more introvertive or more extravertive in how you act to them. Either way you, in a sales process, must show that you are completely concerned about what the prospect needs and wants rather than what you need or want.

This concept about being ambivertive correlates perfectly to social scenarios as well. If the individual you are talking to, for instance, is more of an introvert, you may need to act more extravertive in order to keep the conversation rolling. If the individual appears to be more of an extrovert, you may need to learn when to remain quite in order to satisfy his/her social expectations. Similar to this, a sales person needs to understand when to talk and when to shut up depending on the prospect at hand. In all human interactions, a sense of attention between you and another individual goes a long way in displaying your concern for him/her. Whether the interaction is a sales process or a simple conversation, the ability to be ambivertive is essential to success.

2 thoughts on “The Benefits of Being Ambivertive in Selling and Social Scenarios”
  1. Before this class, I’d never heard of an “ambivert” before, but after learning about it, can definitely tell how being an ambivert can assist greatly in the sales process!

  2. I find it funny that so many people haven’t heard of the word “ambivert” before because I have been using it for years! However, I did not think about a spectrum, but more of definitive categories of introvert, ambivert, and extrovert. It’s good to know that there are other people who swing in between instead of being a perfect blend!

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