Sometimes in sales it is important not to sell. The product or service you are offering may not be the best fit for every customer. If you refer someone elsewhere and they benefit from your referral it builds trust and demonstrates that you care more about the customer than the sale. I have exercised this practice several times in my businesses; counseling customers to buy technology from another business, contracting with a different painting business, etc. Almost without fail these individuals refer their family and friends right back to me. These individuals often are a better fit for the product or service that I am offering . These referrals often yield a greater chance of sale to the next person in the cycle. If this second individual also must be directed elsewhere, the cycle begins again with greater chances of success.

This is a practical example of how attunement benefits selling. without the awareness and care for the situation of the customer it is impossible to reap the benefits of this cycle of referrals. Regardless of whether you secure the sale or not, if you try to sell rather than refer when it is a better option for the customer to go elsewhere, they will loose trust in your business and take future transactions elsewhere.


One thought on “The Circle of Referrals”
  1. I agree completely with everything you type. sales is indeed a cycle similar to the circle of life. I myself have recycled. as for the trust it gives to your potential customers, that investment is very important. By being honest with them that your product is probably is not the right one for them, that is honoring God!

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