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In the Sales of a Start-Up Class, we recently learned that there truly was no reason or proof that extroverts made the best sales reps. In fact, it has been proven that if you are an extrovert you are a good sales rep just not the best one. The best sales representatives out there are call Ambiverts.

What is an ambivert? The dictionary definition of an ambivert would be a person whose personality has a balance of extrovert and introvert features. In other words, the goldilocks of personalities.

What does this mean for Introverts and Extroverts? As an extrovert, I was immediately saddened to have learned that it was my eagerness that scared people away, in turn creating a weakness for me. But knowing that I am extroverted allows me to practice harnessing my talkative qualities and sharpen my listening ears. I need to learn to shut up and listen.

I don’t have any particular advice for introverts other than I do make a lot of friends with them and my best friend is very introverted. (Which is probably why we make a good pair). Perhaps challenge yourself to initiate the conversation or speak your thoughts (of course in the correct places, this is an extrovert struggle) to the client/ customer.

If you do not know where you stand on the personality test here is a website for a quick test.

3 thoughts on “The Goldilock Personality”
  1. This is a common misconception that extraverts are always the best at sales. You do not have to be the most talkative person. Being the most talkative does not work, you have to listen to the person to what they need. This article does a fine job of illustrating that point.

  2. I think that introverts and extroverts are personally geared towards different kinds of sales. As an introvert, I would hate dealing with dozens of prospects each week, but building a deep working relationship with a few prospects is something I wouldn’t mind as much.

  3. I have a theory that everyone is at least a little bit of an ambivert. Nevertheless, it’s definitely important to be able to empathize and hear about others problems. Also, learning about your weaknesses is incredibly important. Nice work!!

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