In class we discussed the importance of clarity when selling. When someone is selling people should make sure they are being clear to who they are selling as well as who they are buying from. Clarity in sales can be defined as: the ability to help others see situation in fresh and more reveling ways to help identify their problems.

People are typically very untrusting of sales. So when we can add some clarity and transparency to it they are more likely to work with and trust you. This can be very helpful by just being honest if what you are selling will not fix their pain then say that. Clients are typically looking for unbiased business partners to help them improve their business. Therefore make your intentions clear to them so they can trust you. It is also important to help them that you understand where they stand with you. How are they feeling towards what they are selling to you.

Do not ask yes or no questions. people live in a grey scale so it is best to ask more questions that offers more varying degrees of an answer. Ask questions such as one a scale from one to ten… This will give a better response from them and a more accurate understanding of where they stand on a business deal. Clarity is one of Daniel Pinks 3 keys to selling along with attunement and buoyancy. With these three concepts you have the best chance of being successful when selling.

One thought on “The importance of clarity when selling”
  1. I think that clarity is arguably the most important aspect of a sales process. I think that clear discussion and negotiation leads to honest and beneficial discussions between a salesperson and their clients. I believe that this also promotes less pressure and more upfront sales, which can lead to more mutually beneficial sales. Nice article Logan!


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